We offer a variety of bags, including shopping bags, shopping trolleys, tote bags, beach bags, cooler bags and many more. If you are looking for a specific type of bag, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs.
Yes, our bags are eco-friendly. We use a range of sustainable and evironmentally friendly materials, including natural jute, 100% recycled woven/non woven polypropylene, 100% cotton, RPET made with 80% recycled materials, and corn starch.
To customize a bag at Vicbag, you can contact us through our website or directly by contacting our sales team. They will guide you through the process based on your specific needs. We also provide a designer to assist you throughout the process, from design to production. All our materials are customizable.
Our delivery options vary depending on the order, the quantity, and whether the products are in stock or not. We can deliver directly to your adress using various transportation modes, whether it’s by sea or air, according to your preferences. We work with international transport partners to meet your needs, with options tailored to each country.
To track your order or for delivery information, please contact us through our website, or by email at the provided adress.
To learn more about our commitment to sustainable development, we invite you to consult our CSR policy on our website.
Our products are manufacturated in certified factories and undergo through expertise as well as a quality inspection report to ensure their excellence. Returns are not accepted after the sale. We only guarantee the quality of the bags.
Yes, we can ship our orders internationally according to your needs.
To stay updated on our new products and promotions, please regularly check our website and our LinkedIn account where we publish the latest news.
Linkedin account: https://fr.linkedin.com/company/vicbag-group
The production and delivery times depend on the order (customized bag or not), the country of production, and the chosen mode of transport. For more detailed information, please contact a sales representative.
Yes, we offer design and material advice to optimize production with our design specialist and experienced sales teams.
To get a quote for a bulk order, please click on “contact us” on our website, or send us an email at france@vicbag.com, and you will be directed to a sales representative.